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We’re changing the game. At Womeness Community, we’re breaking the mold of the traditional static networking event by creating a dynamic, interactive and active environment for attendees.

Through the movement of thoughts and ideas in a community that empowers each other, we bring you the 4th annual, Motivation Through Movement. The space for you to “Embrace Your Power” and step fully into the powerful human you are.

A full day, immersive experience, MTM embodies our Mission at Womeness Community – creating inclusive opportunities for women to live their boldest, most enriched lives. We believe empowering women to support and expand one another’s potential enables us to better serve our communities, ourselves, and our future generations.

Your ticket includes admission to listen to 3 Motivational Speakers in the community, participate in 2 (30 minute) movement sessions, lunch, Womeness & community partner swag bag, and a ticket to enter our giveaways day of the event, and access to preorder limited edition Womenes “Embrace Your Power” gear.

We look forward to expanding our Womeness Community with you!